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Decide to Drop the Object Tags

dbt-tags supports a macro to help us to clean up the DWH Object Tags which might be redundant or accidentally created:

drop_tags (source)


dbt run-opertion drop_tags [--args '{debug: true}']

See doc in yml

How does it work?

For example, you'd like to drop tags that were wrongly created in the schema named analytics.demo.

Let's run the command below:

dbt run-opertion drop_tags \
  --vars '{dbt_tags__database: analytics, dbt_tags__schema: demo}'
  • It scans all the Object Tags that were created in analytics.demo schema. Behind the scene script is:
show tags in schema analytics.demo;
select  "database_name" || '.' || "schema_name" || '.' || "name" as tag_name
from    table(result_scan(last_query_id()))
where   "database_name" || '.' || "schema_name" ilike 'analytics.demo';
  • If exists any tags:
  • For each object tag:

    • Check if there are multiple datatypes for the associated masking policy
    • Unset masking policy(ies) from the tag
    • Drop the tag
  • Done!

Note this will currently only drop masking policies which are assigned to the tags via the dbt_tags package. If you have manually assigned a masking policy to the tag, it will currently not unset it before trying to drop, and will fail.